Welcome to my world!

Hello everyone!

My name is Kseniia and in this post I will briefly describe my experiences and my passions.

I was a 5th grade student when the idea of becoming a teacher came into my mind for the first time.
The next five years I spent in the illusion of how perfect and ideal my future occupation would be. As I
remember the only thing that changed was the subject that I wanted to teach: Russian Language and
Literature, Mathematics or maybe English...

  After two more years, I found myself graduating from the best Mathematics lyceum in the city from which students
were accepted to the best Russian universities and moved to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. I moved to the latter.

   During my bachelor's degree I intuitively got back to the initial idea of teaching, and I started to work as a Math tutor.
I have been tutoring for 8 years now. I have worked with students of all ages, I enjoy helping them understand
difficult topics. For instance, repeating a mathematical concept like differentiation rules over and over again has never
bothered me.

After I graduated with a master’s degree in Teacher Education I worked at a private primary Jewish school for two
years. It was a challenging yet amazing experience.

Ancient Egypt Project 

While I enjoyed teaching Mathematics, over time I have come to realize that English is a greater passion of mine than
Mathematics has ever been. So here I am :) 

  Life in as a big of a city as Saint Petersburg provides one with a large number of amazing opportunities. I traveled
to Nothern Europe multiple times, and fell in love with Sweden, Nordic lifestyle and the Swedish language (I like
Finland too, but not as much). I enrolled in the Swedish language courses.

Here is the picture of our group holding the longest Swedish word, which entered the Guinness Book of World
Records, and consists of 130 letters.

This is it: nord-väster-sjö-kust-artilleri-flyg-spanings-simulator-anläggnings-materiel-underhålls-uppföljnings-system-

There are many languages that I want to learn in the future. I am still thinking of getting back to Swedish someday.
But I am currently focused on learning the Polish language and am passionate about Slavic cultures.

  In addition, I became a volunteer for EducationUSA Russia. Approximately four times per year volunteers participate
in international educational fairs organized for American universities. I absolutely love this activity!

Here is a picture of me working as an interpreter for a representative of Michigan State University.

And here is a picture of EducationUSA Russia volunteer group

Another of my passions is traveling. Even when it means traveling across my own country I feel excited!
Every region of Russia has its own beauty, so it is easy to explore whatever one likes: bathing in the sea and
beach vacation, going to the mountains or hiking in deep forests. I am fond of the Karelia region which is
located in the Nothwest of the country. It has gorgeous pine trees and beautiful lakes.
I enjoy hiking the most!

                      Komarovo (eco trail located in 500 meters from the Gulf of Finland)

When I spend time at home I enjoy reading books and embroidering pictures (cross-stitch).

This is the result of 3 months work (40 x 30 cm)

Welcome to my world! :)


  1. Hey dear, you've gone places!!!! and that Swedish longest word. Is it a sentence or extra hyphenated word ? hahaha! and what is the meaning please?


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