My collection of YouTube channels and websites for teaching English

Learn English With TV Series

The channel consists of short videos of popular cartoons, TV series and movies; including Friends, Harry 

Potter, The Lion King, etc. All of the videos go with subtitles and are made in an appropriate way for 

teaching. First, one watches a short part of the movie with the subtitles, then the speaker starts the explanation 

of idioms or some common phrases that a native speaker would use. The explanations greatly cover 

the meaning and the form. I find this YouTube channel extremely helpful when teaching adolescents 

or adults. It might be of big help to conduct a lesson devoted to the development of listening and speaking skills.

I think the following three YouTube channels are well known for the majority of English teachers, so I’ll give

these channels just a brief description.

Dave and Ava - Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs
The channel is good to teach very young learners how to sing, count, play, learn, and read.

Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs
This channel is a collection of songs for preschoolers. It includes favorite kids’ songs Wheels on the Bus, Baby 

Shark, and If You're Happy and You Know It. A great bonus of this channel is a playlist of songs from Sesame 


Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes
Cocomelon is also a great source of nursery rhymes which makes it similar to Dave and Ava channel. 

Cocomelon has also a good organization, so you can find playlists categorized by holidays (Christmas

 songs, Halloween songs, Hobbies and Activities, etc) and all of the rhymes have subtitles.

Rachel's English
This channel will be helpful for those who aim at developing an American English pronunciation. I found out 

about this channel from our Public Speaking professor and I really liked the channel. Rachel is a classically 

trained opera singer, which makes her articulation and pronunciation ideal.

Accent Help
The content of this channel is slightly more profound than what is usually offered by the rest channels on

 accent. The man explains not just the American accent, but different dialects from different states. I believe 

he possesses the West coast dialect. It’ll be more interesting for those who are keen on an American accent, 

advanced phonetics and phonology, who understand which symbol represents which sound (the IPA ) or might just want to know if there’s a difference in “Merry, 

Mary and marry” :) 

This is an English teaching and learning website created by the British Council. The website has links across 
the top of the home page that include: “Listen & Watch”, “Read & Write”, “Speak & Spell”, 

“Grammar”, “Kids Games”, and “Make”. All videos are accompanied by transcriptions and subtitles.
The website is free to use, but you need an account to download the PDF worksheets and answers to activities. 


  1. Really love all the resources you compiled here! I checked them out and will save some of them for myself. The TV Series and Accent ones especially caught my attention. Rachel's channel is of course another classic that we love thanks to Public Speaking.

    1. Thank you, Szymon! I'm glad you found something useful for yourself here!


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